Johnson will go to Ukraine today:Britain's PM going to Kiev amid fears of war, bluntly pull Putin back from the border

 here is a possibility of war between Ukraine and Russia. Britain, America and NATO countries are pressuring Russia to give up its intention to attack Ukraine. Meanwhile, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has decided to visit Ukraine on Tuesday. This will be the first visit by a head of state to Kiev amid the Russia-Ukraine dispute. It is believed that Johnson will meet with President Zelensky there and decide on a strategy for action against Russia in the event of war.

A day before the visit, Johnson bluntly warned Russian President Vladimir Putin. Said- Russia should step back from the border areas of Ukraine. In this is good for all.

Johnson will again give a tough message to Putin
Boris Johnson, who is visiting Ukraine, is believed to give the same strict message to Putin from there that he should give up the plans of war. Foreign Minister Liz Truss is also going with Johnson. Before leaving for Kiev, Johnson said in an interview – I want to say to President Putin what I have said before. There is still a chance for them to take a step back. If Russia repeats the mistake of 2014, it will have very dangerous consequences for the world. Even Russia itself will not be able to escape it. The people of Ukraine will die, but they will not bow down to Russia.

Soldiers stationed in a border area of ​​Ukraine.  Russian soldiers are present at some distance from here.
Soldiers stationed in a border area of ​​Ukraine. Russian soldiers are present at some distance from here.

There is also a possibility of conflict in the
Security Council On Monday, the Ukraine issue will be considered in the UN Security Council. It is believed that America and Britain will be together here, while China can support Russia. The Winter Olympics are to be held in China from February 4. America's allies such as Britain, Japan and Canada have diplomatic boycotted these games. This means that athletes from these countries will go here, but no official will participate in any program.

Why Britain is so active
Britain is also a part of Europe and she feels that if Russia annexes Ukraine, it will threaten her and the whole of Europe. Ukraine and Britain have close business relations. This is the reason why Britain first sent military aid to Ukraine in view of the possibility of war. He sent anti-tank weapons and missiles to Kiev. Not only this, a squad of 30 of his soldiers was sent to Kiev so that they could train the military there to use these weapons. Except Britain and America, all NATO countries want Ukraine to join this organization. On the other hand, Russia feels that if Ukraine becomes a part of NATO, then its security will be at great risk.


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